Tic Toc, Tic Toc….

Ok.. the first two books are done and one is live at Amazon. The second should be live within hours.  I’ve been trying to get the word out about my new coloring book,

‘Auntie V.’s Faces of Dia De Los Muertos’, …To check it out on Amazon, CLICK HERE!

The good news is, one of the people who bought one was really pleased with it and say’s she can’t wait for the next.

Now I just need about 99,000 more just like her and I can finally  begin to live my dreams!

On a more serious note, I am trying everything I can and am running out of ideas on how to get the word out.

I’m hoping maybe I will just get  lucky and the right person will see it and that will be all it takes!!…………………………….. Wish me luck!!!


  1. May I make a suggestion? Where you as the author have the ability to let possible buyers look into your book, post at least a partial image (some artists show 1/2 to 2/3 of one image of their design). As a buyer, I find this really helpful not only to get a better idea of what kinds of images there are, but also if they are full-page or just designs on the page, and how intricate they’ll be to color. My book budget is small, so if I can’t get an idea of the artist’s work by viewing – at least a partial image – I don’t buy the book. Could you by chance put small pictures on the back like those on the back of many picture calendars?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I’m uploading the minute I send this.. Will be putting 3 pages up. One each from my 2 books that are already published and one from my upcoming book! This is my first go round so I’m still on a learning curve and can use all the help I can get! Thanks again!


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